Showing posts with label Keto Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keto Diet. Show all posts

Keto Diet vs Paleo: Finally Exposed In Great Detail

Which Diet Is Best For You??

I personally can not tell you what to do and which diet is particularly better for you, I can give you all the facts and details that makes the keto diet and paleo similar and different. I am so sorry…. How are you doing today??? I hope you're Well, I was a little too excited about writing this post that I forgot my manners for a sec my apologies. Cool now that all the formalities are properly out of the way let's shift our  attention to what this article will be focusing on today, we will be looking closely into the keto diet vs paleo so you will be able to pick whichever diet fits your lifestyle best. 

They both have a lot of great benefits but also have side effects as well, which I will be touching on a little bit later in the article. I will also be revealing, different foods they both allow, which diet is easier to stick to, which of the two diets help you lose more weight, and what is the main difference between the two. As I stated earlier I can not tell you which diet you should start taking but I can give you a very good idea of what they both offer the good and the bad.(No Surprises Here)

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 From there you have to make your own decision and just know whichever one you do decide to choose, it will be the right one for you and your current lifestyle! So buckle up and get comfy while I dissect the Keto Diet Vs Paleo.( If you're already a keto fan or a beginner dieter I would like to share this post here on a in-depth look into the different foods you can enjoy on a Ketogenic Diet)

What is Keto Diet?

If you didn't know, most tissues in the human body prefer using the glucose from carbohydrates for energy. Keto Diet is commonly known for its amazing weight losing benefits but mainly we will be focusing on the most important benefit which is putting the user in a metabolic state called "Ketosis" which causes the body to use calories from fat instead of carbohydrates which in turn creates energy needed for our bodies to function normally. (Without eating a ton of carbs) 

The Ketogenic Diet (Keto) aims to induce Ketosis through the calculated adjustment of dietary macronutrients, namely carbs, protein and fat. This is how the Ketogenic (Keto) Diet macronutrients breakdown would look, Fats: 60-80%, Protein: 20-30%, and Carbohydrates: 5-10%. When looking at a standard keto diet the macronutrients distribution is shifted significantly in favor of fat, with moderate amounts of protein and very very few carbs.

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 The goal in achieving ketosis with this diet is to induce the metabolic breakdown of fat in your body, thus it's imperative that macronutrients intake is lightly controlled as otherwise you risk kicking your metabolism out of ketosis. One of the main reasons why the keto diet has gained a lot of popularity recently is because it's potential to help you lose weight and improve blood sugar levels. 

Basically the keto diet is focused around eating plans that control macronutrients distribution to shift your body's dependency from carbs to fats for energy.

What is The Paleo Diet??

This diet is often referred to as the "Caveman Diet" its principles are pretty  simple it's primarily based around the user eating foods available to early humans which will promote optimal health for the user.(Hence the nickname) One of the fundamental theories behind a paleo diet is that modern food systems, production, and processing techniques are damaging to human health. 

This is something I can truly understand, I have a garden in my backyard that supplies me with most of the herbs I cook with as well as some of the  vegetables I use. We live in a scary time where some places are selling synthetic foods to their customers, and 90% of them can not tell the difference. Back to Paleo by eating this way and living this lifestyle it's almost like you're one of the old paleolithic hunter-gatherers themselves but living and eating this way Will support your body's natural biological function, improving digestion and overall health. Paleo eliminates grains, legumes, processes sugar and most sources of diary. 

For back in the day they didn't have or know how to produce these things. The main food affiliated with a paleo diet includes, Meat and Fish, Eggs, Nuts and Seeds, Fruits, Vegetables (except corn because it's a grain), Selected fats and oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, lard, tallow, and ghee/butter. It also allows minimally processed sweeteners, including raw honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, and raw stevia.

 For most paleo is way more than just a diet, there is a focus on lifestyle practices and rituals. The worst buzz kill for a paleo dieter is the environmental impact when it comes to food choices, but…….. they're really about total body wellness as well. Basically the paleo diet is an eating plan that emphasizes whole foods and heavily eliminates grains, legumes and processed food in order to improve health, this diet has a lifestyle component that focuses on wellness and exercise.

How is Keto Diet Vs Paleo Similar & Different

Keto diet vs Paleo both stand out in a very unique way in their own rights, but they also have many things in common. I will be driving into what the keto diet vs paleo diet really means, I will be explaining how both the keto diet and paleo diet are similar as well as revealing how they're both different. We will be looking into the keto vs paleo similarities first, then we will jump into what's the main differences between the two. So………. Let's get to it, and I desperately hope you find all the information you may need to start one of these extremely healthy diets.( I Think We Both Know Which Is Better Though 😜)

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Keto diet vs paleo diet, and their many similarities

Both of these diets highly favor Whole Foods, basically both paleo and keto diet plans are intended to rely on whole-food sources of nutrients. A Whole Food is a food that goes through almost no amount of processing before it makes it to your dinner plate. The  keto diet vs paleo diet both strongly encourage eliminating all ultra-processed foods and replacing them with whole foods like fresh vegetables, meat, fish and nuts. This is obviously evident with the exclusion of processed fats, oils and sweeteners in both paleo and keto “rule books.”

Another way that the keto diet vs paleo diet share similarities is by both diets Eliminating grains and Legumes from their diets. The funny thing is, you would figure it would more than likely be for the same reason…… but it's not either way they both don't allow grains or legumes on their kitchens. Starting with The keto diet it eliminates grains and most legumes, but this is because of their carbohydrate content. Grains and legumes contribute a vast amount of carbs to the diet, if you eat them while following the keto diet, you risk throwing your body out of ketosis.

 I do have a solution for you though in this article here I have a free keto bread recipe as well a picture of the amazing kind of keto breads you can make that will be keto friendly, so if you're a bread lover like myself and not ready to even think about giving up certain bready foods check my post out to continue being healthy and losing weight while being able to eat bread on your keto diet.

Now for the paleo crowd, this elimination is largely based on the fact that grains and legumes were not likely part of early human diets(caveman) and they contain antinutrients. Antinutrients are compounds, such as lectins and phytates, that can be found in some plant-based foods. They interfere with your body’s ability to absorb minerals and nutrients and may cause digestive distress when eaten in large quantities. 

I have not personally tried or experienced this diet but that sounds like something I definitely would not enjoy, so I give paleo dieters their points cause I know regular bread and beans are very much not good for you at all. Now you also know why they both rather not touch grains and legumes.

With this keto diet vs paleo diet similarity I feel it is the best one that they have in common. Keto and paleo diets both strongly discourage the intake of added sugars, for both diet plans this mainly falls under their shared message of avoiding heavily processed foods in general. However, paleo dieters are a bit more flexible with this rule, as unrefined sugar sources like honey and maple syrup are still permitted.(To each its Own) 

Keto, on the other hand does not as I repeat does not  allow any added sugar sources, refined or not, due to the high carb content of these foods. You may be able to find a few keto friendly sweeteners but I am not sure(I will do some digging around) if I do I will post them below this section.

Keto diet vs paleo both emphasize healthy fats in their diets. In line with their shared beliefs in achieving optimal health through their diets, both keto diet vs paleo diet encourages the intake of unrefined healthy fats. Also both diets  recommend moderate-to-liberal amounts of selected refined oils, such as olive and avocado oils, as well as nuts, seeds and fish. These foods are known to benefit heart health because of their poly- and monounsaturated fat content.(You learn something new everyday) 

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Back to the similarities both diets also discourage the use of heavily processed fats, such as trans fats, which are they're detrimental to your health when consumed regularly over time. Keto places very heavy emphasis on fat in general, as it is the cornerstone of the entire diet. Paleo, while not necessarily a high-fat diet, uses this recommendation to support overall health. See I can't completely knock this diet it has a lot of good qualities that it shares with the ketogenic diet.

Both of these diets are very effective at weight loss, one of the primary reasons for the popularity of both the keto and paleo diets is the notion that they will promote weight loss. Unfortunately, there is limited research available for how effective both diets are for sustained, long-term weight loss. However, some short-term research is promising. Keto has been around for years and it is actually Proven with multiple case studies but like I said earlier I can not tell you which diet is right for you. A small study of postmenopausal, obese women following the paleo diet showed a 9% weight loss after six months and a 10.6% loss at 12 months. No additional significant change in weight was seen at the 24-month mark. 

One review of research on low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diets, such as the ketogenic diet, indicated that short-term weight loss will occur when switching to this style of healthy eating. If you are more curious than the average person on the incredible weight losing properties of a keto diet,  just do a little research (it will not take long) and find the many different success stories and testimonials.

 The main hypothesis is that because of the high intake of fat it will usually lead to a decrease in appetite and fewer overall calories consumed. It may also be that the process of ketosis is leading to more efficient elimination of the body’s fat stores. The exact reason is still unclear. It is very clear once you do the research but I don't want to be bias so yhe keto diet vs paleo diet shares a lot of similar food restrictions and rules, though they often have their own different reasons why.

Keto diet vs paleo diet and how they differ from one another

The keto and paleo diets are among the most popular diets today. They share some similarities, but there are also some differences in the foods they allow, their effects on the body, and key health effects.

The ketogenic (keto) diet focuses on eating a particular balance of macronutrients. The goal is to enter a state of ketosis, where the body begins to burn fat for health or weight loss.

The Paleolithic (paleo) diet focuses on eating foods that humans would have eaten in the Stone Age. The goal is to eliminate modern processed foods for health or weight loss.

We will take a closer look at the food difference for a sec. Processed Meats: a paleo diet usually excludes processed meats, such as bacon, salami, and ham, as these are the result of modern food processing techniques. Some people believe that minimally processed bacon without nitrates or preservatives is acceptable on the paleo diet, while others do not. 

The keto diet allows these types of meat as long as they do not contain sugar or carbohydrates, which could interfere with the body’s ability to reach ketosis.(gotta read the labels) Some processed meats, such as bacon or sausage, may contain sugar, so people need to read the labels I can not stress this enough. Paleo: Focuses on natural and grass-fed, no processed meat. Keto: Allows any meat that does not contain added sugar or carbohydrates. 

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Sweeteners and Sugars: The paleo diet allows some “natural” sweeteners, such as honey and maple syrup. But, it does not allow artificial sweetener, including sugar alcohols, because they are a result of modern technology. The keto diet allows some artificial sweeteners as long as they do not contain any sugar (some products contain both sugar and artificial sweeteners). 

Ideally, a person should choose sweeteners that do not cause spikes in blood sugar, such as stevia and sucralose. The keto diet does not allow honey, maple syrup, or other products that contain natural sugar or fructose. Paleo: Allows raw honey, maple syrup, date sugar, and coconut sugar. Keto: Does not allow any sugars, but allows some artificial sweeteners, such as stevia and sucralose. 

Starchy vegetables: Some nutrient rich vegetables also have a high starch or carbohydrate content. These “starchy vegetables” are not allowed on the keto diet because they could interrupt ketosis and cause a person to consume more than their allotted total of carbohydrates.(always have to be responsible and hold yourself accountable for your actions) 

However, the paleo diet allows many of these nutritious vegetables in moderation. A person following the paleo diet can eat foods such as sweet potatoes, beets, and carrots in moderation, but should prioritize lower carb vegetables. 

Fruits: Contain a range of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, and are a healthful choice for most people. However, fruits also contain some natural sugar, and some have higher levels of sugar and carbohydrates than others. A person following a paleo diet can eat all fruits, including fresh, dried, and frozen, but they should primarily focus on lower sugar types. A paleo diet includes plenty of berries, citrus fruits, and melons. It can include sweeter fruits, such as bananas, grapes, mangoes, and cherries, but ideally, in lower amounts. The keto diet is more strict with fruit. 

It advises that to keep the body in a state of ketosis, a person should only eat lower sugar fruits, (If you want to know exactly which fruits are allowed and other foods click here) and only in small amounts. Berries are a common keto friendly fruit, but a person may also eat small amounts of cranberries, peaches, apricots, apples, and plums. Paleo: Allows all fruits, though higher sugar ones in moderation. Keto: Allows only lower sugar fruits. 

Dairy: The keto diet allows a few dairy products, especially those that are higher in fat and protein.(Cheese and Plain Greek Yogurt) This allows the dieter to take in the recommended amounts of these nutrients. The keto diet does not include any dairy products that may have any sugar, such as ice cream, chocolate milk, or sugar-sweetened coffee creamer. (I have a Keto Ice Cream Recipe Here for My Keto Family) Although, a person may consume dairy products that contain artificial sweeteners in moderation but you know when too much is too much.

 The paleo diet excludes all dairy products because Paleolithic humans (Caveman) did not consume them. The paleo diet does not allow a person to consume cheese, milk, cream, or other dairy products. On the other hand, people on the paleo diet can drink unsweetened nut milk, coconut milk, and similar alternatives that do not contain artificial sweeteners or thickeners. Once again it's all about you and the foods you like to enjoy! Paleo: Excludes dairy products. Keto: Allows dairy without sugar, ideally higher fat and higher protein types.

Foods Both Diets Allow That are in common: Nuts and Seeds, Unprocessed Meats and Seafood, Eggs, Hearty Fats, and Non-Starchy Vegetables.

Foods that Paleo allows that Keto Does Not: Starchy Vegetables, Most Fruits, and Natural Sweeteners.

Foods that Keto allows that Paleo Does Not: Diary , and Sugar-Free Sweeteners, Tofu, Soy Sauce , and Fats Such as Olive Oil, Butter, and Avocado.

Foods they both don't allow: White and Brown Sugar, Processed Foods, Grains and Legumes.

Which Diet Is Healthier for You??

Both keto diet vs paleo can be healthy options, depending on how they are implemented and what they are used for. In a side-by-side comparison, the Keto diet is a healthier option for most people. Keto Diet allows for more flexibility of food choices and more options for obtaining the wide array of nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. It also encourages an overall healthy lifestyle.

 Freedom within food choices makes Keto easier (once you know what you are doing) to maintain long-term with less potential to be socially isolating. Keto does not suit everyone and may be beneficial as a treatment method for some health conditions. Paleo people should generally avoid eating too much saturated fat on a high-fat diet. Studies suggest it may increase the risk of heart disease but any good paleo diet will never lead to that. 

Bottom line both keto diet vs  paleo diet have the potential to be healthy, but keto is more likely to offer a wider variety of nutritious options. Paleo can be difficult to maintain and may not be well tolerated by some people. To each its own though so you have to know what you want for either of these diets before starting. In some cases Keto is more difficult to maintain because of the strict compliance needed to achieve ketosis. 

It requires careful planning and can be less adaptable to varied social situations. This is one of the main reasons I love this diet. Paleo lack of flexibility can also make getting adequate nutrients a challenge because of the limited options. If you're creative though I'm sure you will make something work.

While Discussing Keto diet vs Paleo diet I know there's one question in the back of your head…...Which diet encourages more weight loss we will look into now.

The Paleo Diet: Eating Like Your ancestors(cavemen)  doesn't guarantee you'll lose weight. While the diet emphasizes plenty of foods that are good for weight loss, such as lean protein and fruits and vegetables, you would still need to eat fewer calories to drop a few pounds. So if you're binging on nuts and fruit, you could actually gain weight on the Paleo Diet.

The Keto: While ketosis isn't a magic recipe for weight loss, Konstantinos Spaniolas, Associate Director of the Stony Brook Metabolic and Bariatric Weight Loss Center in New York, says that people successfully lose weight on keto because they tend to eat less. "They can stick to a relatively lower caloric intake because of the reduced cravings," he explained to Some online transformation stories even suggest you can lose as much as 200 pounds on the Keto Diet.

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The Winner: The Keto Diet. With an important caveat: These results are often short-lived, says Kizer. "When people come off ketosis, they gain weight," she says. Discipline is the key to a successful keto diet, that will help you conquer all the weight loss goals or health goals you may have set forth for yourself.

Which of the two has the worst Side Effects.

The Keto Diet: The extremely low level of carbs on the Keto Diet can cause what's known as the keto flu, which causes headaches, nausea, muscle cramping, and fatigue. Like the Paleo Diet, these unpleasant side effects generally subside after a few weeks. Drinking plenty of water and getting a full night's sleep should help. As with paleo, doing keto for more than a few weeks could lead to nutrient deficiencies according to Andy Yurechko, MS, RD, of Augusta University Medical Center in Georgia . He says lack of fiber is the biggest concern for keto fanatics, who may experience constipation. But it's possible to get fiber by eating lower-carb vegetables like broccoli and chia seeds.( You have to know your diet) 

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The Paleo Diet: It's common to feel lethargic as your body adjusts to the low-carb Paleo Diet. However, your energy levels will typically be restored within a few weeks. So don't worry. Additionally, “while the paleo diet has plenty of protein and fiber, it is sorely lacking in calcium and vitamin D, mainly because of the omission of dairy products,” Roger Adams, Ph.D., founder of Eat Right Fitness, previously explained to Men's Health. Over time, this could weaken your bones and immune system, which makes it important to eat plenty of calcium-rich (and paleo-friendly) foods like broccoli and dark leafy greens


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The winner: The Paleo Diet. Both come with some unpleasant side effects, but Yurechko doesn't advise sacrificing fiber to try keto in the long run.

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 In this article on keto diet vs paleo we looked into, what a keto diet is, what is  paleo, and how they differ and are also alike in different little ways. This is why I kind of gave you the heads up in the beginning, yes a Ketogenic Diet may be better for you in almost every way. The Paleo diet also has its advantages and benefits, so it's purely up to you and what you would be willing to deal with.(Food restrictions and lifestyle changes) As You can see when it comes to keto diet vs paleo they both have their weight burning tendencies but keto is just slightly more effective due to the state called ketosis. We also spoke about which of the diets have the worst side effects……. This one is all Paleo but the Keto diet also has side effects too they're just way more manageable than the Paleo diet side effects. The Choice is Yours!!!!

I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article, if you're a part of the Keto Family that visits Every Post Thank You Guys for All the Support and if you're new I hope to see you back in the future 😉. I love you and hope you're having a beautiful day!!!! Till Next Time Remember Love Unconditionally!!!

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Perfect Keto Diet Shopping List For Beginners

What Is Ketogenic, If You Don't Know Or Maybe A Little Unsure

Keto has been sweeping across the world and if you know anything about a Ketogenic Diet then you'll know why. If you don't know why or even what a Ketogenic Diet is it is A low-carb diet that contains foods that are high fat, low-carb, gluten free, moderate protein, and sugar free. The diet is mainly known for its ability to Burn fat impressively fast and keep it off while holstering a ton of Health Benefits which can help reverse diabetes, and have been used by Doctors for centuries to treat 
Epilepsy and Insulin Resistance Patients.
 (Originated For Children)

It can also reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure levels ,and help produce healthy HDL Cholesterol Level which helps Prevent common illnesses. So… that you had a quick rundown on what a Ketogenic Diet is, I present you with the Perfect Keto Diet Shopping List To Help You Get Started On Your New Healthy Lifestyle Choice!!!

Keto Diet Shopping List Food Options

Keto Meat & Poultry Options
Beef-It has always been a staple in many of our diets to begin with so to continue eating this super rich in fat meat is a major plus for me. Beef has more fat protein than chicken, fish, and a lot of different cuts of pork. With that being said it will help you hit your Macros easily on your Keto Diet, it also has the added benefit of having the most bio- available form of Iron in High amounts.

 The most cost efficient type of beef is 80/20 ground beef, you can get vast quantities of calories and Nutrients. If you Prefer a more meatier option A nice Ribeye or Strip would be perfect, the Ribeye holds the most fat at 68% but the Strip isn't far behind holding 59% of fat. The choice is really up to you the cheapest way would be with a few pounds of Ground Beef.
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Chicken-has always been the most consumed meat since the 1960, it has now become so popular that the chicken consumption per capita has increased by 400%. Chicken has been one of my favorite foods to build dishes around since I was able to pick up a pot & pan, So I can only imagine how it may be for you. 

Now in the States chicken has became an household must with many people having their favorite and least favorite parts, but many of us have been misguided through the years believing the chicken breast was leaner than the others parts. In reality while on a Keto Diet you may want to pick those juicy drumstick or thigh pieces with tons of fat than the "socially prescribed" Lean Chicken Breast. Let's not forget that they are also cheaper (always looking out for you'll) than the breast that is.

Pork-this is a tricky one because I know there are plenty of people who don't eat bacon or pork in general so a keto diet may not be your best option but if you're creative and can navigate around eating pork this Diet is definitely for you. The main take for pork would be bacon for it's taste primarily but also having a rich nutrient profile.(Mainly in B Vitamins) You also have Pork Chop which has 58% of fat and the remaining 42% are nutrients. Be cautious while buying bacon most of them are cured in some sort of sugar, if you don't mind paying a bit more you can find sugar free bacon.

Fatty Fish-fish and seafood (Shrimp, Oysters, and Scallops) are essential to a keto diet, they supply you with Omega-3 fatty acids which most people here in the States lack in their diets. You can find some of  the highest levels of fat in Salmon, Herring, Mackerel, and Sardines. On a well fitted Keto Diet you should have at least 2-3 meals based on fish / seafood but on a homemade Keto Diet you should have at least one. 

The highest quality of Omega-3 can be found in the list above but you can also get some low quality Omega-3 from plants such as Chia Seeds, Brussel Sprouts, and Algal Oil. For those looking for an on the go idea you can grab a can of Sardines, Tuna, Salmon, Oysters, and Clams just be sure to check what kind of liquid they're in.(Aim for Olive Oil, Try to Avoid Soybean Oil)

Eggs-are jammed packed with nutrients and they're extremely inexpensive, eggs are filled with Choline and as you should've guessed it is yet another thing that is mostly vacant in our diets today. Four eggs can cover our daily intake needs of Choline, what are the best types of eggs to buy?? Sadly the higher the quality of eggs the more expensive they become, but if you were looking for high quality eggs, for a much better price check out your local farmers market. You should get a better price than you would find in a supermarket with the added benefit of them being pasture-raised eggs.(know where your food is coming from) The eggs with darker colored yolk are always filled with the richest nutrients.

Full Fat Diary- this would include butter, heavy whipped cream, unsweetened yogurt, and sour cream. 
Butter-is one of those things we were told is unhealthy but I'm here to say that is not true, butter actually has a very good amount of all the fat-soluble vitamins and CLA. Here in the States butter is the easiest and simplest way to get available animal fat. If you're not keen on butter whether it's the taste or you just being dairy free there is an alternative option you can simply use Ghee.

 Ghee is clarified butter which means the milk solids have been removed, so it is suitable for a dairy-free diet. The most popular brand for ghee is 4th & Heart. As stated earlier about eggs, a deeper colored butter means it is more nutrient dense. Butter will be dark yellow or even orange if the cow is pastured on nutrient-dense grass, rich in carotene.

Heavy Cream-If you’re a fan of coffee, then this has to make it on your keto diet shopping list. Instead of using that low-fat, flavored, creamer you’re probably used to, try using heavy cream and some flavored stevia. Or make a Homemade Keto Creamer and use it throughout the week. You can also get creative with sour cream dishes and enjoy your favorite unsweetened yogurts.

Coconut Oil and Avocado Oil- they're high in saturated fat which makes them perfect for cooking. They also have a boastering  list of proven health benefits as well, these oils will go through varying degrees of processing so you will have some decisions to make in the supermarket. Look for virgin, unrefined or cold-pressed. Cold-pressed is the least processed form, but it will also have the strongest coconut/avo taste. If you prefer a more mild tasting oil, you may want to opt for refined avo/coconut oil, a top rated  brand is Nature’s Way.

Lard or Tallow-In the States most people always prioritize animal fats over plant fats as the foundation of their diet, some are huge fans of lard and tallow. Lard is the rendered fat from pork and tallow is the rendered fat of ruminant animals like beef and lamb. The low polyunsaturated fat content of tallow makes it our preferred fat for cooking with, however whenever you're buying animal fats quality will be more important than when buying plant fats, so take some time and find high quality sources.

Avocado- are the perfect keto food, they are an instant high-fat side dish that takes no time to prepare. We always have a bunch on hand for easy and Simple side dishes (don't always feel like preparing complex meals) plus I absolutely love the taste of a fresh avocado straight up but that's just me. Many keto beginners will get confused about the carbs in avocados,  they do contain a high amount of carbs, but they also contain a high amount of fiber which can be subtracted when calculating net carbs. A medium avocado will only have around three grams of net carbs, but many will listen to popular beliefs instead of doing a little more digging and finding out the truth about what Avocados contains. 

Avocados have a high amount of potassium which can help when starting a keto diet and combating the keto flu, so if you don't take anything away from this article take this do your own research instead of trusting popular beliefs or others opinions.

Cheese-is highly favored when it comes to a lot of people, and if you're one of the cheese lovers a keto diet does not disappoint. With cheese it is important to seek out quality options because the cheapest options are really devoid of nutrition.(sorry no real work arounds on this one) We always look for cheese made from raw milk, this can be found at most Supermarkets in the States nowadays. Just look for the words “raw” or “unpasteurized” on the ingredients list. That is the preferred cheese but if you can't find it or afford it check the options you do have available to you and make the healthiest choice.

Frozen or Fresh Berries
Raspberries- are a good keto diet snack, coming in at 7g of carbs per cup. As with all other berries, they are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, but more importantly they are delicious, and always refreshing.

Blackberries-when including fruit in your keto diet, you have to be selective or the carbs can start to add up. Low-sugar berries are going to be your best bet. Berries are full of antioxidants and can bring a light and refreshing flavor to a keto diet. One of Americans favorite after-dinner snacks is berries and cream, that is just the "average" American though I know you can create something more delicious. Blackberry has 5g net carbs per cup.

Strawberries and Blueberries- are both very good fruits to incorporate into your keto diet. Strawberries have a total of 6g net carbs per cup while Blueberries have a total of 12g net carbs per cup holding the highest grams net carbs of all the berries. Be sure to check your fruits before buying because one bad fruit can spoil the bunch.

Nuts-are great for snacking on when you start the keto diet, just about all nuts are keto-friendly in moderation. It can be hard to control your consumption of these tasty morsels when they’re salted, roasted, and pre-shelled, so use portion sizes. There’s even some interesting studies that show nut consumption is associated with lower rates of type-2 diabetes. If nuts are hard for you to digest, check out a few resources(videos or books) to learn how to soak and dehydrate nuts, this process eliminates anti-nutrients. 

Here are a few of the nuts and how much carbs they contain, Almonds 2.5 net carbs, Pistachios 5 net carbs, Walnuts 1g net carbs, Pecans 2g net carbs, Peanuts 2g net carbs, and Cashews 8g net carbs. My favorite also has the highest grams of net carbs but I love Cashews. Aside from just picking up assorted low-carb nuts, see if you can find nut flours like almond flour, peanut flour or coconut flour. You can use these to make keto bread and desserts. There are no limits to what you can eat once you learn how to make keto breads. 

Seeds-Pumpkin, Chia ,and Sunflower seeds are the most known seeds but you also have Flax seeds, Hemp seeds, and Sesame seeds that are a little less popular. Seeds are also full of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with the only real difference being in carbs. Here are the gram net carbs of the following seeds: Pumpkin 5g net carbs, Chia 2g net carbs , Sunflower 6g net carbs, Flax 1g net carbs, Hemp 1g net carbs, and Sesame 2g net carbs. Perfect little snack for when you're out and about.

Almond & Peanut butter-Almond butter and most other nut butters are great for a treat once in a while. If you’re doing a keto diet for weight loss,  you may want to avoid these calorie-dense, highly palatable foods. The trick to buying nut butters is to look at the ingredients list on the back. The only ingredients you should see listed is the type of nut and salt. The cheaper brands like JIF and Skippy will have sugar added. We don’t need or want that now do we???

Fresh or Frozen Low-Carb Vegetables
Broccoli- is one of my favorite vegetables for a ketogenic diet because it really soaks up all of the fat I cook it in. I will usually use butter to give the broccoli some flavor, which makes it easy to hit my fat macros for the day. Not to mention, broccoli is a good source of minerals and fiber, and really easy to prepare.

Cauliflower- is truly the wonder food of the 21st century, we turn it into pizza crusts and rice to make healthier versions of the foods we love. It’s high-fiber content allows cauliflower to be shaped into a variety of healthy dishes that may help you stick to a keto diet, while eating all of your favorite foods. Cauliflower is rich in minerals and antioxidants which make it a nutritious substitution for grains. Whenever I make Cauliflower rice for dinner, not one of my children knew they were eating it and they utterly destroy their dinner almost licking the plate clean every time. Great for kids and people who don't like eating greens.

Asparagus-interestingly, asparagus is one of the only wild plants that we still consume en masse today. It also pairs nicely with a perfectly cooked steak, and for that reason we eat quite a bit of it. A cup of asparagus only has around 2g of net carbs. When you're preparing that Ribeye from earlier don't forget your asparagus and cauliflower rice!!!

Brussel Sprouts-the carbs in Brussels sprouts can add up ridiculously fast, but they are so tasty I had to include them on this list.(especially with bacon bits) If you’re not familiar with how to prepare them look up a few tutorials or recipe videos and start making your very own super flavorful Brussels sprouts containing around 8g of net carbs per cup, you should always keep that in mind. Calculate the amounts of Brussels you do consume because of the 8g net carbs per cup it carries.

Spinach-It is a great idea to pick up your favorite type of leafy green vegetables on your first keto shopping trip or second completely up to you. Kale, collard greens, cabbage and spinach are all good options, I absolutely love Kale but also like spinach because it is among the most nutrient dense vegetables and contains high amounts of minerals. It’s great for mixing into salads, omelettes, burgers, and Sandwiches. Overall you can pick any of the leafy greens you prefer and the best way to find them fresh is to check your local farmers that grow vegetables that would probably be your best choice.(Supermarket often carry local brands as well)

Other Veggies- includes but not limited to Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumbers, Green Beans, and Zucchini. I could've kept going but I think you get it, and I know you can find a few vegetable combinations to start cooking with tonight.

Condiments- are essential to a shopping list as well, here are a few keto diet inspired condiments you can enjoy. Pink Himalayan sea salt or just Sea salt, Pepper , Adobe Seasoning, Cinnamon, Cloves, Fennel, Garam Masala(Traditional Indian Spice) and taco seasoning but not the one you find in the supermarkets(I know they're good but ) a good homemade taco seasoning would consist of chili powder, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, salt, and pepper. You also have keto Unsweetened ketchup , keto inspired BBQ sauce, keto Steak sauce, and keto this keto Thai chili sauce I personally prefer the guy gone keto sauces.

To Conclude 
They're many foods a keto diet allows you to eat, the only real question is are you going to take the time to find the highest quality of foods. Supermarkets are obviously the easiest choice but not always the healthiest one so if you're located in an area with local farmers or local produce markets you should shop there first and whatever you can't find there then you settle for the Supermarket greens, veggies, and fruits. Thank you for investing a little bit of time out of your day to read my article, I hope you found all the information you were looking for. Thanks again and Please enjoy the rest of your day/night. Remember I love all of You'll and wish you much success on your Ketogenic adventure and in your life Generally!!! 

10 Health Benefits A Low-Carb Keto Diet Has To Offer

Quick Ketogenic Diet Backstory

For as long as they have been around Low-Carb Diets has had a bad rep (Mainly because of beliefs) with some and an overall positive rep with others. The few (that is the bad rep) believes that the high intake of fat content causes higher cholesterol and increases the risk of heart attack. But that is Mainly just what they believe, on the contrary though their is tons of scientific studies that proves a Keto low-carb diet is actually healthier than many of the other Diets (like Medi Diet and South Beach Diet) as well as granting your body with all types of wonderful benefits. Now I shall present you with 10 proven (do your own research if you like) Health Benefits a Ketogenic Low-Carb Diet Provides.

  1. Ketogenic Diet (Low-carb) Significantly Reduces Appetite

Cravings and hunger are usually the worst side effects you will experience while starting your low-carb diet, they're the most predominant reasons why most dieters (Non Keto) will feel horrible and often quit.(Overcoming Cravings Can Be Hard) The best thing about starting a Ketogenic diet is immediately after you start, your craving and hunger feelings will subside almost instantly. Reducing your appetite in a matter of days(everybody is different though) studies have shown that people consistently cutting carbs and eating fat and protein they ended eating way way way less calories. 

Basically by cutting carbs from your current diet you could reduce your appetite effectively as well as your calorie intake.

  1. Ketogenic Low-carb Diet Leads To More Weight Loss

So we understand the simplest and easiest way to lose weight is to cut carbs cool, now back to the studies (sorry have to get the facts in) they concluded that people on a Ketogenic low-carb diet burns fat way faster (which leads to quicker Weight Loss) than a low-fat diets even with the latter restricting calories intensively. Primarily because Keto low carb diet tends to rid your body of excess water (which we all have) while lowering insulin levels leading to rapid weight loss within the first two weeks. Also in another study on Keto low-carb diet ( some other low-carb diets) and low-fat diets (comparing the two) said people who restrict more carbs tend to lose 2.5 to 3.2 times more weight without having hunger feelings or cravings. In yet another study in obesity in adults they found that those on a Keto low-carb diet had effects lasting up to 6 months unlike the low-fat diets they are so sadly compared with.

 Basically they constantly try to compare The Keto Awesome Diet with All these Other diets but…….. time and time again they discover the same facts that a Ketogenic diet benefits (Healthy And Easy Weight Loss) outweighs Low-Fat diets.

  1. Majority Of The Fat Loss Will Come From Your Abdominal Cavity

I think we all know their is different types of fats in our bodies.  Some good and some we want to get rid of but the important thing about fat is where it is being stored in the body which do effects one's health and risk of diseases. The two types of fats that makes up a good portion of our bodies are called Subcutaneous Fat which is usually stored under the skin and the other is Visceral Fat which is stored in our Abdominal Cavity.(This is the dreaded beer gut in Men and a little too much love handles or gut weight in Women) Visceral Fat tend to hangout in our organs, excessive amounts of Visceral Fat is mainly associated with inflammation and insulin resistance may even lead to metabolic dysfunction. (Very common here in the States) A Keto Diet is perfect for dealing with that very harmful Fat hanging out in our Abdominal Cavity, which in turn makes losing weight so much easier and healthier. Your Abdomen will thank you and so will your future self because if you stay true to your keto diet over time It Will Greatly Reduce your Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes. 

Basically one of Keto Many Benefits Is the Ability to Attack those Abdominal Fats immediately especially with us knowing it causes metabolic issues.

  1. Triglycerides Tend To Drop Drastically

Triglycerides are fat molecules that circulate in your bloodstream. It is well known that high fasting triglycerides levels in the blood after an overnight fast are a strong heart disease risk factor. One of the main drivers of elevated triglycerides in sedentary people is carb consumption, Especially in the simple sugar fructose. What is fructose you may ask?? Fructose or fruit sugar, is a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants, where it is often bonded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into blood during digestion. So when people tend to get rid of carbs out of their diet they begin to experience a vast reduction in blood triglycerides. (A little fact low-fat diets often raises triglycerides) 

Basically Keto low-carb diets are very effective at lowering blood triglycerides, which are fat molecules that increase your risk of heart disease.

  1. Greatly Increases Levels In Good HDL Cholesterol

So let's start with what they call Good Cholesterol that is "High Density Lipoprotein" the higher you levels HDL relative to the bad LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) lower the risk of heart disease and I know that is a benefit we all can utilize. One of the absolute best ways to increase your HDL levels is to basically just eat the Ketogenic way. (fats & low-carb diet) It is without surprise that a Ketogenic diet will increase your HDL levels drastically while the other low-fat diets will only moderately increase these levels. 

Basically Keto low-carb diet is made with high fat foods which leads to an Spectacular increase in your HDL Cholesterol.

  1. Keto Is Absolutely Perfect For Reducing Blood Sugar And Insulin 

Here we have a touchy topic no one likes to talk about and that is, Diabetes & Insulin Resistance but here are a few good things you can look forward to while being on a Ketogenic diet. Studies have proven that being on a  Ketogenic diet will reduce your blood sugar and insulin levels drastically simply by cutting carbs. With that in mind if you do plan on starting a Keto Diet and have Diabetes you Must Watch your Insulin Dosages because soon after other diabetic patients began their Ketogenic Diet they reported their Insulin Dosages had dropped by 50% in no time. In a whole other study with people that have type 2 Diabetes, 95% of the reported they had reduced or almost eliminated their glucose lowering meds within a matter of 6 months. So stay strong and fight their are options, If You're Suffering I am Sorry & I Know You Will Be Ok And Make It Thru!!! On to those who take Blood Sugar Medication please talk to your doctor before making changes to your carb intake as your dosages may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia so please. 

Basically the best way to lower blood sugar and insulin levels is to be on a Low-carb Ketogenic diet it has the power to treat and even reverse Type 2 Diabetes. (Their Is Always Hope)

  1. Ketogenic Has The Possibility To Even Lower Your Blood Pressure 

Elevated blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant risk factor for many diseases, including heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. Keto low-carb diet is an effective way to lower blood pressure, which should reduce your risk of these diseases and help you live longer. 

Basically I think you'll get the picture on this one but if you don't A Keto Diet leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure, which in turn will protect you from common diseases.(Especially the times that we are in)

  1. Ketogenic Diet Is Also Effective Against Metabolic Syndrome

What is Metabolic Syndrome??? It is a condition that is heavily associated with the risk of Diabetes and the risk of Heart Disease. To go a little deeper Metabolic Syndrome  has a collection of mini symptoms which includes, Abdominal obesity, Elevated blood pressure, Elevated fasting blood sugar levels, High triglycerides, and last but not least Low “good” HDL cholesterol levels. On the Bright side Ketogenic Diet is perfect for combating all five of these symptoms but if you're on this diet already these symptoms are almost completely irrelevant to you. 

Basically Keto low-carb diet will effectively reverse all five key symptoms of metabolic syndrome, a pretty serious condition which greatly increases your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  1. Keto Diet Isn't Finished Yet It Can Improve Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels As Well

For those of you out there who have high “bad” LDL are much more likely to have heart attacks, however the size of the particles is important. Smaller particles are primarily linked to a higher risk of heart disease, while larger particles are linked to a lower risk and I think we all understand what that means. They discovered a Ketogenic low-carb diet increases the size of “bad” LDL particles while reducing the number of total LDL particles in your bloodstream. I told you'll Keto wasn't done just yet lol!!! While doing this it lowers your carb intake (what keto in all about) which in turn leads to a much healthier heart.

 Basically when you eat a Keto low-carb diet, the size of your “bad” LDL particles increases, which reduces their harmful effects. Slashing carbs may also reduce the number of total LDL particles in your bloodstream.(less particles less worry)

  1. I Saved The Bett For Last, An Ketogenic Diet Is Therapeutic  For Several Brain Disorders

Your brain needs glucose, as some parts of it can only burn this type of sugar. That's why your liver produces glucose from protein if you don't eat any carbs. (The Keto Way Baby) Yet, a large part of your brain can also burn ketones, which are formed during starvation or when carb intake is very low. Need I say more??? I do…... so I will ….. This is the mechanism behind the ketogenic diet, which has been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children who don't respond to drug treatments. In many cases, this diet can cure children of epilepsy. In one study, over half of the children on a ketogenic diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in their number of seizures, while 16% became seizure-free all thru a Keto Diet. Ketogenic diet is now being studied for other brain conditions as well, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 

Basically Ketogenic low-carb diet has proven beneficial factors in treating epilepsy in children and is being studied for it's effects on other brain conditions. (A Pure Benefit Of Keto)
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So To Sum It All Up 

We Covered a few things and they are well established in nutrition science as the immense health benefits of Ketogenic Diet, not only can this diet improve your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, but it can also reduce your appetite, boost weight loss and lower your triglycerides. If you’re curious to boost your health, A Ketogenic Diet Is For You!!!!

Thank you all for coming and spending a few minutes with me and my thoughts I deeply appreciate and love every last one you!!! Love unconditionally and live a healthier Life!!!

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