Perfect Keto Diet Shopping List For Beginners: Complete Overview

Perfect Keto Diet Shopping List For Beginners

What Is Ketogenic, If You Don't Know Or Maybe A Little Unsure

Keto has been sweeping across the world and if you know anything about a Ketogenic Diet then you'll know why. If you don't know why or even what a Ketogenic Diet is it is A low-carb diet that contains foods that are high fat, low-carb, gluten free, moderate protein, and sugar free. The diet is mainly known for its ability to Burn fat impressively fast and keep it off while holstering a ton of Health Benefits which can help reverse diabetes, and have been used by Doctors for centuries to treat 
Epilepsy and Insulin Resistance Patients.
 (Originated For Children)

It can also reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure levels ,and help produce healthy HDL Cholesterol Level which helps Prevent common illnesses. So… that you had a quick rundown on what a Ketogenic Diet is, I present you with the Perfect Keto Diet Shopping List To Help You Get Started On Your New Healthy Lifestyle Choice!!!

Keto Diet Shopping List Food Options

Keto Meat & Poultry Options
Beef-It has always been a staple in many of our diets to begin with so to continue eating this super rich in fat meat is a major plus for me. Beef has more fat protein than chicken, fish, and a lot of different cuts of pork. With that being said it will help you hit your Macros easily on your Keto Diet, it also has the added benefit of having the most bio- available form of Iron in High amounts.

 The most cost efficient type of beef is 80/20 ground beef, you can get vast quantities of calories and Nutrients. If you Prefer a more meatier option A nice Ribeye or Strip would be perfect, the Ribeye holds the most fat at 68% but the Strip isn't far behind holding 59% of fat. The choice is really up to you the cheapest way would be with a few pounds of Ground Beef.
Start Eating Healthier Today!!!

Chicken-has always been the most consumed meat since the 1960, it has now become so popular that the chicken consumption per capita has increased by 400%. Chicken has been one of my favorite foods to build dishes around since I was able to pick up a pot & pan, So I can only imagine how it may be for you. 

Now in the States chicken has became an household must with many people having their favorite and least favorite parts, but many of us have been misguided through the years believing the chicken breast was leaner than the others parts. In reality while on a Keto Diet you may want to pick those juicy drumstick or thigh pieces with tons of fat than the "socially prescribed" Lean Chicken Breast. Let's not forget that they are also cheaper (always looking out for you'll) than the breast that is.

Pork-this is a tricky one because I know there are plenty of people who don't eat bacon or pork in general so a keto diet may not be your best option but if you're creative and can navigate around eating pork this Diet is definitely for you. The main take for pork would be bacon for it's taste primarily but also having a rich nutrient profile.(Mainly in B Vitamins) You also have Pork Chop which has 58% of fat and the remaining 42% are nutrients. Be cautious while buying bacon most of them are cured in some sort of sugar, if you don't mind paying a bit more you can find sugar free bacon.

Fatty Fish-fish and seafood (Shrimp, Oysters, and Scallops) are essential to a keto diet, they supply you with Omega-3 fatty acids which most people here in the States lack in their diets. You can find some of  the highest levels of fat in Salmon, Herring, Mackerel, and Sardines. On a well fitted Keto Diet you should have at least 2-3 meals based on fish / seafood but on a homemade Keto Diet you should have at least one. 

The highest quality of Omega-3 can be found in the list above but you can also get some low quality Omega-3 from plants such as Chia Seeds, Brussel Sprouts, and Algal Oil. For those looking for an on the go idea you can grab a can of Sardines, Tuna, Salmon, Oysters, and Clams just be sure to check what kind of liquid they're in.(Aim for Olive Oil, Try to Avoid Soybean Oil)

Eggs-are jammed packed with nutrients and they're extremely inexpensive, eggs are filled with Choline and as you should've guessed it is yet another thing that is mostly vacant in our diets today. Four eggs can cover our daily intake needs of Choline, what are the best types of eggs to buy?? Sadly the higher the quality of eggs the more expensive they become, but if you were looking for high quality eggs, for a much better price check out your local farmers market. You should get a better price than you would find in a supermarket with the added benefit of them being pasture-raised eggs.(know where your food is coming from) The eggs with darker colored yolk are always filled with the richest nutrients.

Full Fat Diary- this would include butter, heavy whipped cream, unsweetened yogurt, and sour cream. 
Butter-is one of those things we were told is unhealthy but I'm here to say that is not true, butter actually has a very good amount of all the fat-soluble vitamins and CLA. Here in the States butter is the easiest and simplest way to get available animal fat. If you're not keen on butter whether it's the taste or you just being dairy free there is an alternative option you can simply use Ghee.

 Ghee is clarified butter which means the milk solids have been removed, so it is suitable for a dairy-free diet. The most popular brand for ghee is 4th & Heart. As stated earlier about eggs, a deeper colored butter means it is more nutrient dense. Butter will be dark yellow or even orange if the cow is pastured on nutrient-dense grass, rich in carotene.

Heavy Cream-If you’re a fan of coffee, then this has to make it on your keto diet shopping list. Instead of using that low-fat, flavored, creamer you’re probably used to, try using heavy cream and some flavored stevia. Or make a Homemade Keto Creamer and use it throughout the week. You can also get creative with sour cream dishes and enjoy your favorite unsweetened yogurts.

Coconut Oil and Avocado Oil- they're high in saturated fat which makes them perfect for cooking. They also have a boastering  list of proven health benefits as well, these oils will go through varying degrees of processing so you will have some decisions to make in the supermarket. Look for virgin, unrefined or cold-pressed. Cold-pressed is the least processed form, but it will also have the strongest coconut/avo taste. If you prefer a more mild tasting oil, you may want to opt for refined avo/coconut oil, a top rated  brand is Nature’s Way.

Lard or Tallow-In the States most people always prioritize animal fats over plant fats as the foundation of their diet, some are huge fans of lard and tallow. Lard is the rendered fat from pork and tallow is the rendered fat of ruminant animals like beef and lamb. The low polyunsaturated fat content of tallow makes it our preferred fat for cooking with, however whenever you're buying animal fats quality will be more important than when buying plant fats, so take some time and find high quality sources.

Avocado- are the perfect keto food, they are an instant high-fat side dish that takes no time to prepare. We always have a bunch on hand for easy and Simple side dishes (don't always feel like preparing complex meals) plus I absolutely love the taste of a fresh avocado straight up but that's just me. Many keto beginners will get confused about the carbs in avocados,  they do contain a high amount of carbs, but they also contain a high amount of fiber which can be subtracted when calculating net carbs. A medium avocado will only have around three grams of net carbs, but many will listen to popular beliefs instead of doing a little more digging and finding out the truth about what Avocados contains. 

Avocados have a high amount of potassium which can help when starting a keto diet and combating the keto flu, so if you don't take anything away from this article take this do your own research instead of trusting popular beliefs or others opinions.

Cheese-is highly favored when it comes to a lot of people, and if you're one of the cheese lovers a keto diet does not disappoint. With cheese it is important to seek out quality options because the cheapest options are really devoid of nutrition.(sorry no real work arounds on this one) We always look for cheese made from raw milk, this can be found at most Supermarkets in the States nowadays. Just look for the words “raw” or “unpasteurized” on the ingredients list. That is the preferred cheese but if you can't find it or afford it check the options you do have available to you and make the healthiest choice.

Frozen or Fresh Berries
Raspberries- are a good keto diet snack, coming in at 7g of carbs per cup. As with all other berries, they are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, but more importantly they are delicious, and always refreshing.

Blackberries-when including fruit in your keto diet, you have to be selective or the carbs can start to add up. Low-sugar berries are going to be your best bet. Berries are full of antioxidants and can bring a light and refreshing flavor to a keto diet. One of Americans favorite after-dinner snacks is berries and cream, that is just the "average" American though I know you can create something more delicious. Blackberry has 5g net carbs per cup.

Strawberries and Blueberries- are both very good fruits to incorporate into your keto diet. Strawberries have a total of 6g net carbs per cup while Blueberries have a total of 12g net carbs per cup holding the highest grams net carbs of all the berries. Be sure to check your fruits before buying because one bad fruit can spoil the bunch.

Nuts-are great for snacking on when you start the keto diet, just about all nuts are keto-friendly in moderation. It can be hard to control your consumption of these tasty morsels when they’re salted, roasted, and pre-shelled, so use portion sizes. There’s even some interesting studies that show nut consumption is associated with lower rates of type-2 diabetes. If nuts are hard for you to digest, check out a few resources(videos or books) to learn how to soak and dehydrate nuts, this process eliminates anti-nutrients. 

Here are a few of the nuts and how much carbs they contain, Almonds 2.5 net carbs, Pistachios 5 net carbs, Walnuts 1g net carbs, Pecans 2g net carbs, Peanuts 2g net carbs, and Cashews 8g net carbs. My favorite also has the highest grams of net carbs but I love Cashews. Aside from just picking up assorted low-carb nuts, see if you can find nut flours like almond flour, peanut flour or coconut flour. You can use these to make keto bread and desserts. There are no limits to what you can eat once you learn how to make keto breads. 

Seeds-Pumpkin, Chia ,and Sunflower seeds are the most known seeds but you also have Flax seeds, Hemp seeds, and Sesame seeds that are a little less popular. Seeds are also full of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with the only real difference being in carbs. Here are the gram net carbs of the following seeds: Pumpkin 5g net carbs, Chia 2g net carbs , Sunflower 6g net carbs, Flax 1g net carbs, Hemp 1g net carbs, and Sesame 2g net carbs. Perfect little snack for when you're out and about.

Almond & Peanut butter-Almond butter and most other nut butters are great for a treat once in a while. If you’re doing a keto diet for weight loss,  you may want to avoid these calorie-dense, highly palatable foods. The trick to buying nut butters is to look at the ingredients list on the back. The only ingredients you should see listed is the type of nut and salt. The cheaper brands like JIF and Skippy will have sugar added. We don’t need or want that now do we???

Fresh or Frozen Low-Carb Vegetables
Broccoli- is one of my favorite vegetables for a ketogenic diet because it really soaks up all of the fat I cook it in. I will usually use butter to give the broccoli some flavor, which makes it easy to hit my fat macros for the day. Not to mention, broccoli is a good source of minerals and fiber, and really easy to prepare.

Cauliflower- is truly the wonder food of the 21st century, we turn it into pizza crusts and rice to make healthier versions of the foods we love. It’s high-fiber content allows cauliflower to be shaped into a variety of healthy dishes that may help you stick to a keto diet, while eating all of your favorite foods. Cauliflower is rich in minerals and antioxidants which make it a nutritious substitution for grains. Whenever I make Cauliflower rice for dinner, not one of my children knew they were eating it and they utterly destroy their dinner almost licking the plate clean every time. Great for kids and people who don't like eating greens.

Asparagus-interestingly, asparagus is one of the only wild plants that we still consume en masse today. It also pairs nicely with a perfectly cooked steak, and for that reason we eat quite a bit of it. A cup of asparagus only has around 2g of net carbs. When you're preparing that Ribeye from earlier don't forget your asparagus and cauliflower rice!!!

Brussel Sprouts-the carbs in Brussels sprouts can add up ridiculously fast, but they are so tasty I had to include them on this list.(especially with bacon bits) If you’re not familiar with how to prepare them look up a few tutorials or recipe videos and start making your very own super flavorful Brussels sprouts containing around 8g of net carbs per cup, you should always keep that in mind. Calculate the amounts of Brussels you do consume because of the 8g net carbs per cup it carries.

Spinach-It is a great idea to pick up your favorite type of leafy green vegetables on your first keto shopping trip or second completely up to you. Kale, collard greens, cabbage and spinach are all good options, I absolutely love Kale but also like spinach because it is among the most nutrient dense vegetables and contains high amounts of minerals. It’s great for mixing into salads, omelettes, burgers, and Sandwiches. Overall you can pick any of the leafy greens you prefer and the best way to find them fresh is to check your local farmers that grow vegetables that would probably be your best choice.(Supermarket often carry local brands as well)

Other Veggies- includes but not limited to Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumbers, Green Beans, and Zucchini. I could've kept going but I think you get it, and I know you can find a few vegetable combinations to start cooking with tonight.

Condiments- are essential to a shopping list as well, here are a few keto diet inspired condiments you can enjoy. Pink Himalayan sea salt or just Sea salt, Pepper , Adobe Seasoning, Cinnamon, Cloves, Fennel, Garam Masala(Traditional Indian Spice) and taco seasoning but not the one you find in the supermarkets(I know they're good but ) a good homemade taco seasoning would consist of chili powder, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, salt, and pepper. You also have keto Unsweetened ketchup , keto inspired BBQ sauce, keto Steak sauce, and keto this keto Thai chili sauce I personally prefer the guy gone keto sauces.

To Conclude 
They're many foods a keto diet allows you to eat, the only real question is are you going to take the time to find the highest quality of foods. Supermarkets are obviously the easiest choice but not always the healthiest one so if you're located in an area with local farmers or local produce markets you should shop there first and whatever you can't find there then you settle for the Supermarket greens, veggies, and fruits. Thank you for investing a little bit of time out of your day to read my article, I hope you found all the information you were looking for. Thanks again and Please enjoy the rest of your day/night. Remember I love all of You'll and wish you much success on your Ketogenic adventure and in your life Generally!!! 


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