10 Health Benefits A Low-Carb Keto Diet Has To Offer!!!

10 Health Benefits A Low-Carb Keto Diet Has To Offer

Quick Ketogenic Diet Backstory

For as long as they have been around Low-Carb Diets has had a bad rep (Mainly because of beliefs) with some and an overall positive rep with others. The few (that is the bad rep) believes that the high intake of fat content causes higher cholesterol and increases the risk of heart attack. But that is Mainly just what they believe, on the contrary though their is tons of scientific studies that proves a Keto low-carb diet is actually healthier than many of the other Diets (like Medi Diet and South Beach Diet) as well as granting your body with all types of wonderful benefits. Now I shall present you with 10 proven (do your own research if you like) Health Benefits a Ketogenic Low-Carb Diet Provides.

  1. Ketogenic Diet (Low-carb) Significantly Reduces Appetite

Cravings and hunger are usually the worst side effects you will experience while starting your low-carb diet, they're the most predominant reasons why most dieters (Non Keto) will feel horrible and often quit.(Overcoming Cravings Can Be Hard) The best thing about starting a Ketogenic diet is immediately after you start, your craving and hunger feelings will subside almost instantly. Reducing your appetite in a matter of days(everybody is different though) studies have shown that people consistently cutting carbs and eating fat and protein they ended eating way way way less calories. 

Basically by cutting carbs from your current diet you could reduce your appetite effectively as well as your calorie intake.

  1. Ketogenic Low-carb Diet Leads To More Weight Loss

So we understand the simplest and easiest way to lose weight is to cut carbs cool, now back to the studies (sorry have to get the facts in) they concluded that people on a Ketogenic low-carb diet burns fat way faster (which leads to quicker Weight Loss) than a low-fat diets even with the latter restricting calories intensively. Primarily because Keto low carb diet tends to rid your body of excess water (which we all have) while lowering insulin levels leading to rapid weight loss within the first two weeks. Also in another study on Keto low-carb diet ( some other low-carb diets) and low-fat diets (comparing the two) said people who restrict more carbs tend to lose 2.5 to 3.2 times more weight without having hunger feelings or cravings. In yet another study in obesity in adults they found that those on a Keto low-carb diet had effects lasting up to 6 months unlike the low-fat diets they are so sadly compared with.

 Basically they constantly try to compare The Keto Awesome Diet with All these Other diets but…….. time and time again they discover the same facts that a Ketogenic diet benefits (Healthy And Easy Weight Loss) outweighs Low-Fat diets.

  1. Majority Of The Fat Loss Will Come From Your Abdominal Cavity

I think we all know their is different types of fats in our bodies.  Some good and some we want to get rid of but the important thing about fat is where it is being stored in the body which do effects one's health and risk of diseases. The two types of fats that makes up a good portion of our bodies are called Subcutaneous Fat which is usually stored under the skin and the other is Visceral Fat which is stored in our Abdominal Cavity.(This is the dreaded beer gut in Men and a little too much love handles or gut weight in Women) Visceral Fat tend to hangout in our organs, excessive amounts of Visceral Fat is mainly associated with inflammation and insulin resistance may even lead to metabolic dysfunction. (Very common here in the States) A Keto Diet is perfect for dealing with that very harmful Fat hanging out in our Abdominal Cavity, which in turn makes losing weight so much easier and healthier. Your Abdomen will thank you and so will your future self because if you stay true to your keto diet over time It Will Greatly Reduce your Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes. 

Basically one of Keto Many Benefits Is the Ability to Attack those Abdominal Fats immediately especially with us knowing it causes metabolic issues.

  1. Triglycerides Tend To Drop Drastically

Triglycerides are fat molecules that circulate in your bloodstream. It is well known that high fasting triglycerides levels in the blood after an overnight fast are a strong heart disease risk factor. One of the main drivers of elevated triglycerides in sedentary people is carb consumption, Especially in the simple sugar fructose. What is fructose you may ask?? Fructose or fruit sugar, is a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants, where it is often bonded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into blood during digestion. So when people tend to get rid of carbs out of their diet they begin to experience a vast reduction in blood triglycerides. (A little fact low-fat diets often raises triglycerides) 

Basically Keto low-carb diets are very effective at lowering blood triglycerides, which are fat molecules that increase your risk of heart disease.

  1. Greatly Increases Levels In Good HDL Cholesterol

So let's start with what they call Good Cholesterol that is "High Density Lipoprotein" the higher you levels HDL relative to the bad LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) lower the risk of heart disease and I know that is a benefit we all can utilize. One of the absolute best ways to increase your HDL levels is to basically just eat the Ketogenic way. (fats & low-carb diet) It is without surprise that a Ketogenic diet will increase your HDL levels drastically while the other low-fat diets will only moderately increase these levels. 

Basically Keto low-carb diet is made with high fat foods which leads to an Spectacular increase in your HDL Cholesterol.

  1. Keto Is Absolutely Perfect For Reducing Blood Sugar And Insulin 

Here we have a touchy topic no one likes to talk about and that is, Diabetes & Insulin Resistance but here are a few good things you can look forward to while being on a Ketogenic diet. Studies have proven that being on a  Ketogenic diet will reduce your blood sugar and insulin levels drastically simply by cutting carbs. With that in mind if you do plan on starting a Keto Diet and have Diabetes you Must Watch your Insulin Dosages because soon after other diabetic patients began their Ketogenic Diet they reported their Insulin Dosages had dropped by 50% in no time. In a whole other study with people that have type 2 Diabetes, 95% of the reported they had reduced or almost eliminated their glucose lowering meds within a matter of 6 months. So stay strong and fight their are options, If You're Suffering I am Sorry & I Know You Will Be Ok And Make It Thru!!! On to those who take Blood Sugar Medication please talk to your doctor before making changes to your carb intake as your dosages may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia so please. 

Basically the best way to lower blood sugar and insulin levels is to be on a Low-carb Ketogenic diet it has the power to treat and even reverse Type 2 Diabetes. (Their Is Always Hope)

  1. Ketogenic Has The Possibility To Even Lower Your Blood Pressure 

Elevated blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant risk factor for many diseases, including heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. Keto low-carb diet is an effective way to lower blood pressure, which should reduce your risk of these diseases and help you live longer. 

Basically I think you'll get the picture on this one but if you don't A Keto Diet leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure, which in turn will protect you from common diseases.(Especially the times that we are in)

  1. Ketogenic Diet Is Also Effective Against Metabolic Syndrome

What is Metabolic Syndrome??? It is a condition that is heavily associated with the risk of Diabetes and the risk of Heart Disease. To go a little deeper Metabolic Syndrome  has a collection of mini symptoms which includes, Abdominal obesity, Elevated blood pressure, Elevated fasting blood sugar levels, High triglycerides, and last but not least Low “good” HDL cholesterol levels. On the Bright side Ketogenic Diet is perfect for combating all five of these symptoms but if you're on this diet already these symptoms are almost completely irrelevant to you. 

Basically Keto low-carb diet will effectively reverse all five key symptoms of metabolic syndrome, a pretty serious condition which greatly increases your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  1. Keto Diet Isn't Finished Yet It Can Improve Bad LDL Cholesterol Levels As Well

For those of you out there who have high “bad” LDL are much more likely to have heart attacks, however the size of the particles is important. Smaller particles are primarily linked to a higher risk of heart disease, while larger particles are linked to a lower risk and I think we all understand what that means. They discovered a Ketogenic low-carb diet increases the size of “bad” LDL particles while reducing the number of total LDL particles in your bloodstream. I told you'll Keto wasn't done just yet lol!!! While doing this it lowers your carb intake (what keto in all about) which in turn leads to a much healthier heart.

 Basically when you eat a Keto low-carb diet, the size of your “bad” LDL particles increases, which reduces their harmful effects. Slashing carbs may also reduce the number of total LDL particles in your bloodstream.(less particles less worry)

  1. I Saved The Bett For Last, An Ketogenic Diet Is Therapeutic  For Several Brain Disorders

Your brain needs glucose, as some parts of it can only burn this type of sugar. That's why your liver produces glucose from protein if you don't eat any carbs. (The Keto Way Baby) Yet, a large part of your brain can also burn ketones, which are formed during starvation or when carb intake is very low. Need I say more??? I do…... so I will ….. This is the mechanism behind the ketogenic diet, which has been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children who don't respond to drug treatments. In many cases, this diet can cure children of epilepsy. In one study, over half of the children on a ketogenic diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in their number of seizures, while 16% became seizure-free all thru a Keto Diet. Ketogenic diet is now being studied for other brain conditions as well, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 

Basically Ketogenic low-carb diet has proven beneficial factors in treating epilepsy in children and is being studied for it's effects on other brain conditions. (A Pure Benefit Of Keto)
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So To Sum It All Up 

We Covered a few things and they are well established in nutrition science as the immense health benefits of Ketogenic Diet, not only can this diet improve your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, but it can also reduce your appetite, boost weight loss and lower your triglycerides. If you’re curious to boost your health, A Ketogenic Diet Is For You!!!!

Thank you all for coming and spending a few minutes with me and my thoughts I deeply appreciate and love every last one you!!! Love unconditionally and live a healthier Life!!!

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